This week, I don't have much to write. I received a letter from my converts. I will copy and paste them here.
My King, I love you much.
It was a cherished pleasure to receive your note, how wonderful is the Heavenly Father who allows us, as we have seen in my thoughts, be communicated despite distances and responsibilities, I hope that even now your mission is still of great joy and enjoyment for your exaltation and to the salvation of souls hitherto have heard the message that you have for them ... I pray for you constantly.
Brother, I'm fine, a little sick right now, I have flu and has been hard for me to get rid of it, but there'll gradually. I still read the Book of Mormon, and every day I feel more attuned to my faith. I'm the Director of Music in the Ward it is my first call, I went to the young men who sang a nice song for their mothers on mothers day. I attend faithfully, and I accompanied the Elders often their visits, I feel my testimony is helpful, and I will be faithful to Him known to others ...
As for my progress and my stay in the country, it is complicated, I do not think I could stay in Colombia, I have no money to enroll in college and PEF take a long time; July 10 my residence permit expires in Colombia, I would be obliged to leave here, I'm very worried, I have no money to these things, and I worry. I hope firm in the Lord that has never ceased to provide, and which will not. (IF SOMEONE CAN PASS A LETTER OR SOMETHING for help, either here or in the US, say it now JAJAJAJAJA) I'm still strong in faith and hope to see the blessings promptly.
A confession: I have a girl, in the church, is Villa del Prado, we are good friends, very close, we're dating ... Pray for that ... It has made me very happy to have her around.
Brother, I wish blessings on your mission field, I love you and remember you always, I wish we soon see each other again ...
Your brother.
Samuel A. Acurero. M
I hope you are excellent, we are very well thank God, we are by going to the chapel but on Sunday 4 Junio did not go because my mom had a commitment to make clothes, but she first consulted with the missionary sisters that if he could and they told him that if he could that was a conpromiso I had to meet.
Rest all good we are by going to visit the sisters they are three and also the elders Aguilar walk a little jealous because my mom talk more with the sisters but only for disturbing.
Well I'll tell you more after my mom sends you greetings and success and for me too and that our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with strength, faith and wisdom, we love you and miss you so much: Bediciones.
Yuzara and Isabel
A lot happened in the week. One of the more interesting things would be today, right before I came, I helped a sick cat. So my neighbors have three baby cats (all saved in the street). I was leaving our house and they were playing outside, and I saw this one and its leg was just ginormous. I told the neighbor to look at one leg, and then at the other. The cat's leg was infected and an open wound on the paw and leg above. I got a tissue, some ointment, and had the neighbor hold the cat's mouth and legs. Took the little cat and squeezed out an insane amount of pus from inside it's leg. Cleaned it with a little bit of alcohol, and then rubbed some ointment on it. That still left pus we couldn't get out, but better than before. Nuts!

We put five baptismal dates in one lesson, and it was three different families in one house. We touched a door, found a girl with brain tumor whose dad died four years ago, and a baby of two months. Struggling, and we began to teach them, and gave a blessing of health to the girl. I think that the Lord has shown more than enough of His power in my life this week alone. Another family where they don't know how they're going to eat tomorrow, refugees from Venezuela who got rolled a hard lot.
Mormon Helping Hands |
This week I testify of the scripture, D&C 18:15-16
15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!
How happy I feel to hear the echoes of my testimony that I had born to Samuel and Yuzara. They are going strong, and just being able to receive letters from them Those changed for me every day. I pray every day for the people I have meet, for those I know, and for those I have yet to meet. The Lord truly is magnificent. His ways are incomprehendable as we are in this mortal tabernacle.
Isaiah 55: 8-9
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
We just have to trust in His will until we meet again. What are we waiting for?
Èlder Tracy